
Sep 14, 2023

News from North (South) Dakota by Elder Sport

 Hey Buddies! 

I'm staying in Rapid City till the end! I'm excited to finish up strong. My mom is so excited that I got my flight plans haha, I'm going home Oct 14th. Plenty of time to get some good work done.

I like it when scriptures occasionally answer each other, it fits in cool, so here's an example for my little spiritual thought....

Ether 3:2 

O Lord, thou hast said that we must be encompassed about by the floods...

D&C 61:6 

Nevertheless, all flesh is in mine hand, and he that is faithful among you shall not perish by the waters.

Sometimes it feels like we're drowning in life... and while we are promised adversity we are also promised protection! He will save us as we reach out to him and cry like Peter did, "Lord, save me!" 

Miss you all, I'll try to send out one or two more emails before the end. Prayers for all of you!

Elder Sport

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