
Jul 11, 2023

News from South Dakota

Hey Buddies! 

My birthday on the 23 and July 4th were both super awesome! Thanks to everyone who made them so special. We had 1 lbs burgers at the Wisemans with a lb of bacon on the outside! It was crazy. We also got to play basketball with some friends which is always a huge plus. 

The 4th was really fun we watched fireworks and played some disc golf. It was rainy in the morning but cleared up nice by night! Dean and Missy also got baptized on the 4th. I just barely met them but they're so sweet. I was able to let him borrow my white pants for the baptism where he got baptized then ordained then baptized his wife. They're so cool and I was stoked to help out! 

Quote: Patriotic thought of course...

We, the blessed beneficiaries, face difficult days in this beloved land, “a land which is choice above all other lands” (Ether 2:10). It may also cost us blood before we are through. It is my conviction, however, that when the Lord comes, the Stars and Stripes will be floating on the breeze over this people. May it be so, and may God give us the faith and the courage exhibited by those patriots who pledged their lives and fortunes that we might be free.

-President Ezra Taft Benson. 

God bless this wonderful country!

So on Wednesday I was feeling a little down, which is normal with the highs and lows of missionary work. We have great people we're working with, but I was feeling sad that nobody is super close to baptism right now in our area. So we're driving around and I'm pondering this in my head I had a really spiritual impression I started to think about how God feels when he sees the world today and so many of his children not choosing happiness and following him. I thought of the longing he has for us to come unto him. 

I then thought of the Allegory of the Olive Trees in the Book of Mormon, Jacob chapter 5. And as I did I heard these words of Christ to me. 

"Spare it a little longer" 

I knew that just like God cares for us and nourishes us everyday, I needed to do my best and keep holding out and holding on to the people I'm called to serve. I knew that if I just kept pushing through, that I would see the fruit and happiness from all the work I put in. It was a comforting moment for me. I didn't have to wait long to see some of that fruit. 

A couple hours later we had a lesson with Lexi, I originally started talking with her on Facebook. We got to show her around the church with Sister J and it was such a cool lesson! Lexi is work friends with Brother J in our ward, and it was really cool to see how he had influenced her a little bit at a time, and was that light that got her to be willing to meet with us. We taught all the lessons and even the baptism interview questions. She loves the idea of temple sealings as well. I'm super grateful that God knows our situations and puts people in our paths to brighten up our lives! Lexi moves to Gilbert AZ this week, prayers she has great experiences with the missionaries down there!

Love you all!

Elder Sport

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