
Jun 4, 2023

Guest Blogger: Taco's Graduation Party by the Dog Walker


Mom asked me to write this post for her, because she's been feeling tired and overwhelmed lately. Today was the day that we celebrated Taco's high school graduation so we planned a party for him. Before the party, we were in the rush of trying to make sure all the decorations, food, and treats were ready, while we were also trying to deal with a crisis with our water heater. Easier said than done on that, and that can be discussed later. 

Anyway, I asked Bossy if I could help her out on making a treat to go along with the other treats. I kind of overdid it, because I thought there would be lots of people coming for Taco's graduation party. I made these special mini cereal bars that I made for Taco's Eagle Court of Honor, even two new ones. It was a lot to hurry and rush to make these for supposed many people. There were a few family members who tried one or two of the different cereal bars and they said it was delicious. I was even careful on making sure that some of them were separate, especially the Reese's one, because there were a couple of people at the party who were allergic to peanuts.

Everyone was visiting while we were dining, and most of the extended family members were into holding Carnitas, just because he was born a couple months ago and is still tiny. Now I'm totally getting off topic when this party was meant for Taco. Anyway, Taco had a couple of friends over for the party and he introduced them to us. We spent a couple of hours visiting with each other, until most of the party-comers have come and left. Taco and his family stayed a little longer to help us clean up after the party. It was really fun to celebrate a graduation. Congratulations, Taco!

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