
Jun 28, 2023

Guest Blog: Royal Family Summer

We've had a pretty busy summer so far. Tadpole (5) and Poliwog (4) played a season of soccer and their first season of t-ball. 

Tadpole wasn't convinced baseball was his thing until last week when his coach let him try a few pitched balls rather than off the tee. He's growing up really fast. Reading and writing and asking questions non-stop. 

Poliwog has been enjoying all things creative. We have stacks upon stacks of his artwork at our house including a giant butcher-paper mural he painted a few weeks ago. His creativity even went so far as to give himself a haircut. Thankfully, we were able to repair that one. 

Duchess (2) has been loving playing in water. Pools, splash pads, the bathroom sink, the water dispenser on our fridge… I basically just walk behind her with a bath towel. She's also been obsessed with an Arthur book. She carries it around and makes me read it to her over and over. I tried turning on the Arthur show so I could get a little work done but she was not having that. 

The Frog has been working a lot but has found time to grow some tomatoes and peas hydroponically in our basement. He's also ridden his parents' segway around the neighborhood a few times. 

I've been staying busy. Cooking sourdough, watering my plants, crocheting a little panda bear and, ya know, keeping a house, spouse, and three kids happy. I did get to go to girl's camp with the young women in our ward and it felt like a little mountain retreat, even though it was raining most of the time. 

We've been spending lots of time with our friends. We meet at the park once a week with the neighborhood kids. We've also been inviting different families in our ward over for dinner. 

I guess as a general update, we got a new car. Our 2003 was just getting a little sketchy. 😅 The new one is fancy and has amazing air conditioning. We spent a weekend in Las Vegas and the kids put their coats on in the backseat before we realized it didn't need to be cranked so high. 

And of course, we've had lots of family time. Who are we kidding, my kids are five and under. We've been having family time since the day they were born. But ya see, that's the thing. My oldest is going off to full day kindergarten in the fall and the constant family time will be coming to an end. So we're trying to cherish every second. 

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