
Jun 10, 2023

Adventures with Bossy - Gale Center

The kids are finally all out of school, graduation is over, and Bossy is still on maternity leave. She wants to go and play, but all three of my teens are at camp this week. So I recruited a rather reluctant Grandpa.

We started with lunch at the house and then we went to the library. We signed up for the summer reading program and I convinced Grandpa he needed a book while Bossy signed two of her boys up for library cards.

Then we were off to the Gale Museum, our own cute little building filled with South Jordan memorabilia. 

Queso loved the little train!!

I think he would have stayed there all afternoon, but Skittles loved the farmhouse, so we headed there next.

I beat Taco at checkers! Next time we are playing "jump your own man." It's way more interesting.

Bossy rocked her real baby in the little cradle. He was just the right size while the boys looked for eggs.

I convinced Taco and Grandpa to have a go at checkers and Taco beat him, but barely.

Bossy pretended to do laundry, so I tried on her "clean" bonnet.

We love the Gale Center and I love adventuring with Bossy.

Just one more...

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