
May 9, 2023

Traveling as Two - Sunday

Since Teach's ward had stake conference, we opted to listen to the meeting in our home ward while we discovered some of our country's amazing history.

One thing we try to do whenever we can, is visit the state capital of whatever state we are in. For New Jersey, that was easy; Trenton was right on our way.

Oh, we never go in... but we try to loop around both ways.

Our true destination was Crossing the Delaware state park. I put it in my gps and off we went. The scenery was beautiful. There were lots of bridges that crossed the Delaware.

We picked (my gps picked) the smallest and tightest one.

Before we knew it, we were in Pennsylvania!! We had no idea that they had a visitor's center on both sides of the water. 

To be fair, Pennsylvania was way better than New Jersey although both parks looked deserted.

The boathouse was my favorite exhibit. Do you know that it took 10 hours to get everyone across the frozen, choppy water?

This theater was amazing!

Back across our beautiful and narrow bridge, we watched a little movie in a tiny theatre that was a "donations please." But the park was beautiful.

And the water...

We stopped at Princeton University on our way back. The architecture was recommended to my sweetie by a work friend.

It was definitely worth the stop!

Just for good measure, we stopped at Princeton Battlefield.

Then we went to Teach and Twiz's house for dinner and games. Such a great day!

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