
May 4, 2023

Traveling as Two - Atlanta Layover

Normally, I wouldn't be all that excited about a 3-hour layover, but Atlanta has a ginormius Delta Sky Club. The flight from Utah was a little dicy. Even the Dramamine didn't help my queasiness. Finally I asked the flight attendant for a barf bag, but thankfully, I didn’t use it.

We arrived in Atlanta about 1:00 pm and after gathering our things, we headed directly to the club. We had to wait in line for a few minutes, but I didn't think it was bad.

Did I ever tell you how much my sweetie hates waiting in line?

Thankfully, it was only about 5 minutes. This pic doesn't do the place justice. Food and drinks are free with a large buffet and many southern classics. My sweetie even got a little work done.

My sweetie was a fan of the Southern Caviar and fruit...

But his favorite was the banana bread. We ate so much that I can't even take a pic for you!

We get on another plane in about an hour. Soon we will be in New Jersey for Teach's graduation.

And to hug the east coast grandkids.

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