
Apr 29, 2023

Such a Whirlwind

Life is such a whirlwind lately! Between writing and submitting our ZAP grant for the ballet, dance, baseball and volleyball games, school, Grandpa, remodeling Grandpa's house, scouts and cookies, graduations, family stuff and doctor's visits, my head is spinning...

This weekend is Baby Doll's last volleyball tournament, and rather than drive all the way from Heber City, we decided to get a room in Midway at a ridiculously fancy place called Zermatt. That's what happens when you wait until the last minute to decide or maybe because you were swept up in all those things in paragraph 1.

Isn't she cute? Anyway, Baby Doll is doing an amazing job in the Friday night of this 2-day tournament. Her team won every game, likely throwing them into the Gold bracket, but we will know for sure tomorrow.

They are missing a couple of girls so Baby Doll has been playing setter half the time and hitter the rest of the time. She is amazing!

Here are more cute pics of her if I can get enough bandwidth to add them. Just one more strike against fancy old hotels. And don't get me started on resort fees that you don't get to use, not even a little.

She doesn't like the distracion of pics during the game, but hey, what's a little pain for posterity?

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