
Apr 18, 2023

News from North Dakota

Hey Everyone! It's been great out here! 

I hit 18 months on April 4th so Sister mission complete! Easter and General Conference was a blast! We spent a couple sessions driving around showing up to our friends houses and turning it on for them then leaving to the next person! It was pretty dang awesome. 

This week we were able to have a zone conference in Bismarck and check out the revised temple endowment. It was super great and a good focus on Jesus Christ.

It'd finally warming up and it feels unreal. Playing some disc golf today and gonna break out my hammock! Transfers are here in a week and a half, we'll see if I stay but 7 months is a long time for one area. Either way I'm hyped! 

Scripture: I love Moses 6: 34 and Elder Bednars talk about it in GC!

Behold my Spirit is upon you, wherefore all thy words will I justify; and the mountains shall flee before you, and the rivers shall turn from their course; and thou shalt abide in me, and I in you; therefore walk with me.

Like Enoch we are all called to be examples of Christ! It's not easy and at times we may feel like he did, saying "why me? I am hated by everyone, and slow of speech... am I really your servant?" I promise the Lord's reply to him is to all of us! Cleave unto God and he will Cleave unto you!

Love you all,

Elder Sport

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