
Apr 23, 2023

Guest Blogger: The Super Bowl by the Dog Walker

Mom has asked me to write a post for her, because she's tired and being tired does kind of prevent writing ideas. But I digress! I've been longing to talk about this fun event back in February, but ever since at that time, Mom has been talking about all those fun times on a trip back East with Dad. 

As you might as well know, we always liked watching the Super Bowl every first Sunday of February. We were even excited to hear that one of the teams playing was from New Jersey, exactly where Teach and her family live. This was way back before I went on that trip to visit them. The Eagles were the team that Teach and her family were rooting for.

Despite with Mom and Dad gone, and not much family has come to celebrate and have fun with us, it was just me, Scout, Her Friend, Curly, Baby Doll, Grandpa, and a little bit of Crafty (she was only here for a few minutes). We made these fun and delicious pizzas for dinner. I made one interesting pizza for myself that no one has ever made before. I call it a Breakfast Pizza, because the toppings are diced ham, bacon bits, sausage bits, and eggs. It was really tasty, imagine if you were told that you can't eat pizza for breakfast. Well, for this, it would be an exception.

We watched the Super Bowl and the Eagles were in the lead during the first half. The halftime show was Rihanna, Drama Queen's favorite Pop singer. There were some songs that we recognized by her and she did quite a performance, while she was pregnant at the same time! It was crazy. Anyway, during the second half, the Chief's started to catch up to the Eagles, we were rooting for the Eagles at first, but after the Chiefs started making unexpected plays and scores, it turns out that they became the Super Bowl champions. 

Despite it being a party with just us here and not with Mom and Dad, it was still a fun time for us. I hoped that the rest of the family was having fun of their own as well, and I'm sure they have by now. Sorry about this long awaited post about the Super Bowl, but it was really fun to share it with everyone.

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