
Apr 11, 2023

Easter Weekend - Sunday

We had a beautiful Easter Sunday, bursting with sunshine, happiness, and family. 

Scout enjoyed her time filling Easter baskets so much that she offered to do it again. My sweetie and I slept in until the kids started pounding on the door.

The baskets were beautiful and full of goodies. Then is was time to get ready for church. Curly was one of the speakers and he did a great job.

We got dinner going and the kids started arriving around 2:00. We promised games and crafts.

The littles loved playing together outside.

I love that they are all becomimg best of friends.

The crafts were a hit! We painted little wooden Easter decorations and the kids made a tree out of a broken branch to hang them on.

We had a ham and baked potatoes along with a contest to see if Scout could make better deviled eggs than my sweetie.

Dinner was yummy and we ended the day with more games and a puzzle of the Last Supper.

Happy Easter!!

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