
Feb 17, 2023

Traveling as Two - This & That

Our condo is part of a ginormous group called the Beechwoods, and they have all sorts of fun activities, an arcade, waterpark, and stuff you can do. Since this was our last day, we decided to join the paint class.

In about an hour, we made these cute little banks.

While they dried, we decided to hit the road. There were still a few more things we wanted to do. First stop, Grave Digger.

Did you know that the Outer Banks is where all the Grave Diggers are built?

Next we stopped for a little souvenir shopping at one of those huge discount stores. After we spent all of our money, we were hungry and we still hadn't tried a Carolina Dog so we stopped at Cap'n Franks.

We had a few more things we wanted to see, so we drove across the Sound to Manteo. 

To the Christmas Store!! It was huge!!

Then we walked along the dock and looked at the boats.

Then we were off to visit Fort Raleigh. I had never heard of the Lost Colony and the story fascinated me. 

They had a beautiful little Visitor's Center, but it was raining too much to walk around outside.

A couple more trips across the Sound, just for fun, and one more stop for souvenirs and we came back to the condo to pack up. We even managed to slip in one last trip to the hot tub.

Tomorrow is a travel day. See you soon!

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