
Feb 20, 2023

Traveling as Two - Myrtle Beach, Finally!!

We finally got a chance to explore Myrtle Beach today.

The first thing we did was to drive down to the Boardwalk. So many fun places to take puctures!

But my sweetie had other plans...

He bought us VIP passes on the Skywheel!!

The ride took 30 minutes and our car had a glass-bottom floor.

It was so fun!! I got some great pics. When we were finished, we did a little more shopping and more picture-taking.

My sweetie insisted the girls would love these pics of the sand, but honestly, there is sand everywhere!!

After we were finished with our beautiful funnel cake (sorry, the pic is in my sweetie's phone) 

(Found it!!) we decided we wanted to catch a quick nap before our evening activities. I didn't want to miss a single minute of our pirate dinner.

Everyone started out in this ginormous room. I ordered drinks and popcorn and visited the gift shop.

The show was amazing!! (The food... not so much.) 

I'm not sure I was supposed to take pics, but I did managed to sneak a couple.

All in all, we had an amazing time and I would definitely do it again.  Now I have to get to bed. We are leaving for Charleston first thing in the morning. Still so much to see!!

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