
Feb 11, 2023

Traveling as Two - Mostly Driving

We got up early to take advantage of the free breakfast and then we got on the road. We were so close to Duke University that I thought it would be fun to drive around campus before we left town. The campus was huge and beautiful. My favorite building was this amazing old cathedral.

Then we got on the road for the long drive to Kittyhawk. 

Just for the record, my sweetie says these are called "freeway" trees.

We stopped at a tiny museum in Plymouth where we learned about the Battle of Plymouth. They have a replica of the CSS Albemarle that floats in the Roanoke river.

We enjoyed sitting in a tiny covered dock while watching the Roanoke flow around us.

Then we stopped at a little cafe right on the water for lunch.

By the time we arrived at Kittyhawk, we were so tired we ate cold cereal for dinner and crashed into bed. We aren't as young as we used to be.

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