
Feb 13, 2023

Traveling as Two - Good Morning, Monday

Today was a beautiful Monday morning. All the rain was gone, and weirdly, so were the giant puddles. Our first stop was the National Wright Brothers Memorial.

The first thing was an informative presentation about the process the Wright brothers used in learning to fly.

My sweetie just loved this place.

As an inventor himself with more than a dozen patents, he was loving the process of two men with truly exceptional minds.

Our next stop was lunch at Avalon Pier. But first, it was a chance to walk to the end of the pier and experience the ocean up close. 

The water was so beautiful and powerful!

Even lunch was pretty good!

After our tummies were filled, we headed for the other side of the island. After the majesty of the ocean waves, I wanted to see the Sound.

It was beautiful in a different way; definitely more calm. We drove the coast another half hour or so, stopping now and then.

On our way back to the condo, we stopped for groceries at the Food Lion and I suggested we try the local theater for a movie night and popcorn. My sweetie made sandwiches while I put away groceries.

The movie we chose, Otto, was a "thinker," so we put on another more mindless show and ate the other halves of our sandwiches when we got back. All in all, it was a pretty perfect day.

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