
Feb 22, 2023

Traveling as Two - Charleston

So glad we aren't in Utah!! They are heading into a 2nd Snow Day with nearly 2 feet on the valley floor. 

Here is Charleston we enjoyed 77 and t-shirts although it wasn't quite that warm as we headed downtown for our first adventure.

The sky was actually gray and angry, but by the time we got downtown,  it was all blue skies. Our first stop was the Fort Sumter Memorial.

I really didn't know anything about the fort or why it was important to our country, I just knew it had something to do with the Civil War, but it was much more than that.

After we had wandered through the museum, we headed for the dock.

We were getting on a ferry that would take us out to the middle of the bay so we could tour the actual Fort Sumter.

It took almost half an hour to get out to the island.

My sweetie loved the cannons.

I loved watching them raise the flag.

It was not our typical flag. I wish I had taken more pics, but I forgot to charge my phone.

I couldn’t resist grabbing a pic of this cargo ship heavy with containers. 

The trip back was uneventful, but it took us forever to get out of the parking garage. That left us only 45 minutes to get lunch. One of the attendants suggested we try The Cru. 

The food was amazing!

We got to our carriage ride just in time.

I was super excited to take a wagon tour around the historic part of old Charleston.

Our gude was awesome and we really enjoyed the tour,

but by the time we were finished, we were exhausted and we went back to the hotel to relax.

But before the night was over, my sweetie wanted to drive the bridge with the lights on.

More fun pics and back to Garden City tomorrow...after a stop or two...

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