
Dec 28, 2022

Watching the Jazz

With all the holiday stuff going on, I forgot to tell you how much fun we had at the Jazz game last week. Baby Doll and I each got two tickets for playing and coaching, and then one of her teammates couldn't go, so her 2 gave us a total of 6.

At the last minute, Baby Doll and Scout had a party, and they couldn't go, so I invited some of the grandkids.

I was worried about my sweetie having to walk all the way to the arena, but an amazing bicycle pulling a covered carriage, agreed to take Skittles and my sweetie for only $10.

The game was fun and exciting!

The Jazz won by quite a bit and soon the game was over and we were headed down the two-story escalator. My sweetie was tired, so I looked around for our biker friend. He was patiently waiting. This time they let me ride too.

Another fantastic day!

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