
Dec 13, 2022

Painting a Little Christmas Cheer

Yesterday was just another quiet Sunday, so after we got home from church, my sweetie suggested we doing a little painting. He wasn't really thinking ceramics until I reminded him that we still had several large boxes from The Frog's grandma. She had her own kiln and she was kind and generous with her resources.

After opening all the boxes, we each chose something to paint. My sweetie chose the multiple piece train. He has 3 of the 4 pieces complete now.

Curly picked several small pieces. He is most excited about his cactus.

Baby Doll did a beautiful job with a large Santa.

I keep trying to get her to take a pic of it completed...

Crafty worked on a beautiful statue of Jesus with two children, but she had to set it aside until she is finished with her finals later this week.

See it way in the back? Those in the front are the Dog Walker's carolers.

This one is mine.

Merry Christmas. 

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