
Oct 15, 2022

Homecoming 2022

I'm sorry, I can't believe how far behind I am! But I really wanted to tell you about Homecoming. As you know, it is Taco's senior year; Scout is a junior, Burrito is a sophomore, and Curly is a freshman (but this is not really a story about him, it is just an interesting fact.

But I digress...

So two Saturdays ago (the day my sweetie got sick), was the Homecoming dance. None of the kids really wanted to go, but Bossy and I took my girls for haircuts. Then we decided to go dress shopping. Pretty soon, we had a crazy plan.

Burrito and Taco could take Scout and Baby Doll to the dance!

I know, Baby Doll is pretty young for such an endeavor, but because they were going as a group and because they were all family, we thought they could have a great time. So I bought dresses and shoes and flowers. 

Bossy bought ties and more flowers and tickets; she shared all of her Chick-fil-A points with the kids so they could get their dinner for free. (Unfortunately, the dining room was closed, so they got to eat in the car...) And Beauty was their amazing photographer. (Thanks for always being willing!)

They had tons of fun and then they came back to our house for brownie sundaes. 

It was the perfect date... except that it sort of wasn't. 

What do you think, good idea? Bad idea?

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