
Oct 17, 2022

Grandpa's Pumpkin Patch

Today was the day that we have been working toward for quite some time. Our 2nd Annual Grandpa's Pumpkin Patch party! I started making a big batch of chili yesterday using fresh vegetables from my sweetie's garden and I visited the store for the rest of the stuff I needed.

This morning dawned bright and early when Scout and I dropped Baby Doll at the airport at 5:30 AM (but I will let Baby Doll tell that story). I took care of my sweetie, carefully shooting the antibiotics through his picc line. Then we left for church.

About halfway through sacrament meeting, my sweetie texted me a pic of his stitches. They were draining an ugly yellow pus like crazy. I found someone to do my job in the Nursery and then I headed for home. Scout took us to the main hospital ER where we waited for hours before anyone decided this was a big deal.


Then my sweetie was admitted and a procedure is scheduled for tomorrow to reopen the wound and rewash the shoulder.

Meanwhile, back at the house, I insisted that the party go on. Our grandkids needed their pumpkins grown specially for them by Grandpa!

So lots of pics for you since we needed lots for us.

Looks like a great party!! Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

  1. We're sorry that you had to take Dad back to the hospital.
