
Sep 23, 2022

Playing General Contractor

We have talked in the past about how busy I get with all the kids and now the grandkids, but you probably didn't know that I am also working as a "General Contractor" too.

Grandpa's house, the one I grew up in, had fallen into disrepair. So much so, that his insurance company gave us one year to make changes or lose insurance privileges. So my brother found a guy who agreed to take a look, but I am the one who has been working with him since my brother lives halfway across the country.

Anyway, the house is looking pretty amazing now with new concrete and stucco. We are still waiting on windows and some paint, but I can hardly wait to give you a sneak peek.

So excited to see it finished!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I was just thinking of texting my friend to take a photo. It looks really great! What else needs to be done? Thanks for managing it all!

