
Aug 27, 2022

Traveling Together - Lake Havasu

Saturday morning and we were all headed for the beach. We picked up the girls and we filled every seat in our 12-passenger van. It was hot! Nearly 100 degrees already, and we were all excited to be near the water.

I sat with my sweetie on the beach for a little while until I decided to give it a try.

But you know me, I can't resist big water very long.

The water was warm and except for the rocks on the bottom, it felt great. We played for an hour or so until our tummies begged for lunch.

We found a little pavillion and pulled out our sack lunches. By the time we finished, we were mostly dry so we loaded back into the van. I needed to wash my swimsuit so we could swim in the pool later. The girl's house has an amazing pool...

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