
Aug 12, 2022

Traveling as Two: Last Day In LA

It was our last day and with a late flight, we could plan a few things. We checked out of the hotel around 10 and headed back to the park. My sweetie really wanted a few more pics of those amazing trees.

They really are amazing. The raindrops began to fall as we headed for the suburbs. Hopefully, our Ultimate Swamp trip wouldn't be canceled. 

By the time we got there, the clouds were winning. All trips out on the water were on hold due to the weather. About 30 minutes later, it was still drizzling, but we finally got on the boat.

We saw several alligators, but most of the other animals had hunkered down to wait out the storm.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash of thunder and lightning lit up the sky almost immediately. "Tour's over!" announced the guide and we high-tailed it back to the dock. If I wasn't wet enough before, I was completely soaked since I was at the front of the boat.

We finished the tour, dripping wet, back at the headquarters. I could hardly wait to get away. We stopped at a nearby McDonald's and bought nuggets. Then we each stripped down in the bathroom and left filled and warm.

Then we were off to the airport and homeward bound.

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