
Aug 4, 2022

Guest Blog: High School Reunion by Dog Walker

Can you believe it’s been a decade since I graduated from high school? How can time fly so quickly for me? Maybe that’s part of being an adult. Anyway, a few months ago, Mom was scrolling through Facebook when she ran into a post that was made by my childhood friend. I have known this girl since elementary school. She was in charge of setting up a high school reunion for Bingham. 

I attended Bingham from 2009-2012. It was quite a challenging part of education for me, but I remember all the good times I had in high school. Right when Mom told me about it, I quickly went through the pictures of me during my senior year in high school. I sent them to her so she could send them over to the Facebook event.

A couple months later, it was finally the day of the reunion. I convinced Puppy Lover to come with me even though it wasn't her class reunion.

The reunion didn’t take place at the high school, because it was under renovation, so it took place at an event venue in Daybreak. We were sort of the first ones there. They made quite a setup. They set up the high school souvenirs, and a projector slideshow of all the good times we had as high school seniors. Some of the pictures of me were even on there. They had refreshments at the reunion. They had Costco pizza, gourmet cookies, and a beverage bar. 

There were a lot of recognizable faces that I remembered from those times. I even introduced some of those familiar faces to Puppy Lover.

After all the mingling, the hosts did some trivia questions with the classmates. It was called Super Senior Superlatives. The key was to answer the question of which classmate did a certain thing during the time. I was able to make two personal appearances after answering two of the questions. The questions were “Which classmate lives closest to Bingham?” and “Which classmate made an appearance in entertainment for the school? (On stage, television, or on social media).” 

I managed to earn two twix bars for answering those questions, as well as getting a lot of applauses from the fellow classmates who remembered me. I had a bar for myself and I gave the other one to Puppy Lover. After the trivia of personal appearances, we also had the slideshow of the pictures of all of us during the times in high school.

After the slideshow, we ended up singing the school’s spirit anthem to conclude the presentation and to mingle a bit longer. I had a chance to talk and say hi to all the other classmates who also remembered me as well as I remembered them too. I sure miss those times of high school, I’m glad I got to go to the high school reunion. It was very nostalgic to remember the last years of grade school. I missed all of you classmates from 2012! Imagine if there was a high school reunion in 2032! 

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