
Jul 19, 2022

Guest Blog: Dog Bites and Glass Crosses by Elder Sport

Hey Everyone! 

So here's the story. We're walking up to a members house, inviting them to church. There's lots of dogs always roaming around on the reservation, and most are pretty chill. We see a couple dogs, and one big white dog walks over from across the street, just chilling no bark or anything unusual. We talk to the member and start walking back to our truck, when this dog just unprovoked runs up and takes a bite of my back upper leg! It was the weirdest thing. So we go clean it and go back to the house, stupidly trying to ask the people ourselves if the dog had shots (probably not!) instead of calling animal control. We get there, no dog in sight. I let my companion get out and try to knock the door, he's been out like 4 days at this point, confident he can control the dog, and I'm not thinking straight. Long story short, he gets bit too and we both end up in the ER. We are blessed the bites didn't go deep enough to have to get rabies shots! We went straight to the city basketball courts and played and gave three of our friends Book of Mormons, so can't complain too much lol. 

It's been great out here though, love the people and are trying to help lots of them get back to church. Everyone's situation is different, but one lady we worked with had a really hard few years, with her mom passing from Covid. As we walked in she had a beautiful glass cross on the table.  After complimenting it, she told me the story, of how it showed up in the hospital room of her mom just before she passed, and after many attempts of asking, nobody knows who brought it in. It was an amazing experience hearing her stories. 

My son, (Trainee) Is Elder Heinrich! He's from Texas which is cool! We got lots of work to do!


20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.

21 If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.

22 Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

Remember as you go about this week that we are all vessels of the Lord! Let us do our best to be clean, meet and prepared for the master's use!

Love you guys,

Elder Christensen

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