
Jun 8, 2022

Summerfest Parade

I keep coming back to last weekend, because the pace was frantic and I'm still not sure how we managed to make it all work. Honestly, it felt like the old days.

So after the Late Night was over and we got all the girl scouts home and the cleanup done, it was after midnight. Bossy stuck around and she helped finish the quilt. The kids decided to sleep on the tramp and they were having a hard time getting settled. It was just after 2:00 AM when I turned off the last of the lights.

Unfortunately, Curly had to be at the park by 7:45 AM. He was marching in the Summerfest Parade with his scout troop. They were the colorguard and he couldn't be late because they were 2nd in the lineup.

Fortunately, the parade didn’t start until 9:00, so we were shooting for an 8:30 arrival, but as long as we could get through the barriers with my handicapped plates, Bossy was saving us a spot near the beginnimg of the route.

Li'l Sis's kids were way easier to wake up than Baby Doll was, but soon we were on our way and we were all settled in our seats before the parade began.

The scouts looked great and Curly threw a big handful of candy at our little group. That seemed to be the parade mode, because Bossy's large bag was more than half full as we gathered up our stuff.

But that was just the beginning...

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