
May 3, 2022

What's the Good Wordle?

Several months ago my sweetie told me about a new game everyone at work was talking about, so he downloaded it so we could play. It was sort of like Boggle, a timed word game called Wordle. We played it a few times, but just didn't understand the appeal. 

Then Curly told us we were doing it wrong. To find the really popular version of this game, we had to call it the "New York Times Wordle." It wasn't long before I was hooked on this once-a-day puzzle. In fact, I play it just after midnight so I won't forget and blow my streak.

I'm not perfect by any stretch, but I can usually find the answer in four or five tries. Only once did I blow my streak of 47 games. It only takes about 5 minutes to play each day, so I like that.

Curly likes this game so much that he created a family SLACK channel for us to share our successes. It's nice to have just one more way for the wordies in the family to connect and trust me, WAY easier than a book club!

1 comment:

  1. Your Blog is really helpful to me to understand What's the Good Wordle?. I also recommend to Wordle Of The Day for Wordle Of The Day Hint, Clue, and Answer.
