
May 21, 2022

REVIEW: Baketivity and the Compost Cookie

Baby Doll and I were SO excited to get our first Baketivity box! She loves baking and the opportunity to bake with mom made it all that much more fun. The box showed up as promised and we quickly tore it open. The first thing we saw was her apron and chef's hat!

It was full of little packets of ingredients, each one clearly marked and ready to go. Baby Doll was a bit overwhelmed at first because there were so many of them, but after we read the paperwork and discovered that we were making a "compost" cookie for Earth Day, it began to make more sense.

She read the easy-to-follow instructions and carefully added each ingredient. 

The recipe called for a cake pan, so we were making one ginormous cookie and I will show you why in a minute. Once the cookie was done, we pulled it from the oven and placed it on a rack to cool. The last part couldn't be done yet.

We ran some errands to make the time pass more quickly, but Baby Doll could hardly wait to get back in the house to finish our project. The frosting (melting wafers) made her nervous, but she bravely got all the blue melted and smoothed onto our cookie while I readied the piping bag for the green. 

"What if it doesn't look right?" she worried.

"If it's our world, it will be perfect," I reassured her.

I helped her with some of the outlines of the continents and then she took the bag away and figured she could do much better than my feeble attempts.

And she was right! Didn't she do an amazing job?

Definitely perfect! (And delicious as well.)

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