
May 28, 2022

Let's Play Ball!!

Curly is playing baseball this weekend in a huge Memorial Day tournament in Utah County. Their first day wasn't so great. 

We got up super early and piled in the car. Baby Doll thought it was a great day to skip school, so she came along as well. Scout had a bunch of tests to take and it was way too early for Grandpa. The game started at 9:00 AM, but Curly had to be there at 8:00 and it was a 45-minute drive. 

Sadly, the boys were feeling the early time as well. The first game didn't go so well. We lost 4-13. Most of those points were score in the last couple of at-bats for the other team and our Blue Sox were pretty bummed by the time it was over. 

They didn't have much time to worry, though, because we only had a few minutes to grab a quick lunch before Curly had to be back for the 2nd game of the day. Honestly, sometimes these tournaments feel like the were designed to humble our boys rather than be an opportunity for them to have fun. 

The next team we played was supposed to be 5th in the state and by the time the dust settled, they beat us 9-0. It wasn't until the top of the 3rd inning that they even scored, but this was their first game and it was the second game of the day for our boys. 

You would think that Curly would be discouraged and maybe not even want to get up for the two games he has tomorrow. Both of tomorrow's opponents are arguably even better than the ones they played today.

But that is not even close to the truth. He just loves the game! He keeps up the morale and cheers on his friends. He pounds hundreds of balls into his bow-net every day because the next game will be the one when that ball finally makes it over the centerfield fence. He loves putting on his uniform and and slinging his (extremely heavy!) baseball bag up onto his shoulder. He believes that the team will be bigger and better each and every single day. 

And in spite of the losses, that, my friends, still makes it fun.

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