
May 10, 2022

Cinco...ah Sies de Mayo

I have to say that I have had SO much fun planning together the last few activities for my Girl Scout troop! Since we had to learn about 3 different places for New Cuisines, we started with the Philippines, then one of our moms is from Taiwan, so China was a given. Last was for me to choose and I picked Mexico. One of my favorite reasons is because Gamer is hispanic and so are my grandkids so it seemed like a natural. Besides that, it was close to Cinco de Mayo and our family parties are always epic!

If you recall, our day started with Gamer's graduation from SLCC which I told you about, but not about our sushi lunch. Sorry, it looked much nicer before we started eating, but we were hungry...

Then we rushed home to get things ready for our little Fiesta.

We ate quesadillas and chips and salsa. We made crepe paper flowers and "stained glass" to hang in our windows (it was really plastic, but that's ok). We also learned about the Mexican country, its flag, its people and its heritage. We even played a couple of games, but their favorite part was going after the pinata! 

Honestly, it took forever to break!

I sure love these cute girls and my wonderfully supportive husband and married kids. This would have been so difficult without Bossy and Gamer and they just pitched in and made things happen. 

Such a good day.

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