
Apr 19, 2022

Guest Blog: Happy Easter by Elder Sport

Hey Everyone! Hope y'all had a great couple weeks!

Happy Easter!

I'm staying another transfer in Aberdeen, so about 6 months at least, baby! I'd been here the longest and was expecting to leave, and instead all 3 Elders in Aberdeen leave and I'm the only one to stay! We got an extra week in this transfer though, North Dakota had a huge blizzard last week so transfers were moved to this week. I'm sad I missed the blizzard down here in South Dakota!

It's been a good last few weeks with Elder R, I will definitely miss his when he goes tomorrow to Rapid City! I'm also gonna miss Elder B and Elder B, Japan is opening so I'm sure they'll be going there soon! Sister S is leaving as well so me and Sister M are the only surviors!

A brother in our Ward gave a really good talk 2 Sundays ago, I loved his closing quote!  "Search Inward, Turn Outward, Look Upward, and Press Forward!"

This last Easter Sunday we heard from a few people in the ward who had went to the temple, it was awesome! 

Our friend Ken who got baptized last year was able to go for the first time and if was so cool to hear his testimony of the temple, he said he felt like someone said, "it's about dang time."

We also had a really young young women go do baptisms for the dead, it was her second time. While waiting she had an experience picturing a young girl dancing around, excited to be baptized, saying thanks, and telling her her name. The young women was shocked to see the girl's name in her stack she was about to do. She bore powerful testimony of the experience, and the spirit in the room was undeniable and felt like it was compressing in the chapel, like it was too much for the space of the room, like it would bust out the doors! It was so awesome!

Isaiah 25: 8

He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces...

Victory is Won! How have you all been and how was your Easter Weekend?  Love you all!

Elder Sport

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