
Mar 21, 2022

Traveling Together - Game Over

The tournament play was not nearly as much fun as the games leading up to it. The team we played took us out quickly with a final score of 13-1. We decided that rather than hang out another day, we would pack it up and head for home. It was a beautiful day and I got some amazing pics from the road.

Somewhere out there in the middle of Arizona, I got a call from Sister Crafty. She is in a hospital in the Phillipines. Earlier in the week, she started feeling "like death" with a fever over 103° and a rash covering her entire body. She has Dengue Fever.

At the hospital, they pumped her full of fluids and began checking her blood. As you know, there is no cure for this virus, but as long as her platelet count runs below 100 she can't leave the hospital. It is currently at 68 and dropping. But she insists she is much better and she refuses to even consider coming home. So on we traveled, finally reaching St. George and our last hotel before we get home tomorrow. I'm sick to my stomach with worry, and not even a dip in this incredible hot tub before bed could make that go away.

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