
Mar 9, 2022

Lead Together Celebration

Curly, Scout, Baby Doll and I went downtown tonight to the Vivint Center for the Jr Jazz basketball Lead Together celebration. It was a lot of fun!
We got there about 5:20 and we were very relieved to be let in early so we didn't have to wait in the storm. The gift for winning a Lead Together sportsmanship card was a small notebook. It was a little disappointing, but we joined the crowd and hoped for a some swag as promised.
Curly was honored with a handful of others for winning a card last year as well as this year. 
After awards, there was a celebrity basketball game. We left just after halftime because we had our own game back home to play. While we waited for my sweetie to pick us up, the kids loved hanging out in the "snowglobe" outside the Vivint.
It felt like Christmas all over again. 

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