
Reflect on Reflections: Film Video 2018 by Sister Crafty

 Oh how I love the Reflections contest done by the PTA every year! Without it I wouldn't have all of these wonderful videos. Here is another one from Sister Crafty. I have been thinking a lot about her this week.

This girl has SO much talent! She could probably become a producer or movie maker if she wanted to... after her mission, of course.

Mar 29, 2022

REVIEW: Bump Rumble by Starlux Games

Every time Starlux Games emails me, I know the kids will be excited to try one of their new games. They are just so completely different from anything they have ever played before. Bump Rumble is silly, ridiculous, unique, active, and SO much fun!!

The kids were laughing the entire time. What other game requires you to try to bump someone out of the square you have pegged out on the ground only using their backside? 

Word of caution, pick your teams carefully! The different colors of loop rings make it easy to see who belongs where because putting Dog Walker up against Baby Doll wouldn't really be fair... or would it?

She is pretty flexible and part of the fun is having to hold one of these loop rings that are only attached with a magnet behind your knees while you are pushing. Unfortunately, she didn't hold up so well against Taco.

It all sounds a little crazy, and it is!! If you are looking for a fun, family-friendly game for Easter, your Spring Break holiday, or just to get the kids off their screens, check out Starlux Games. Look for Bump Rumble. I'll bet you've never played anything quite like it.

**We received a free copy of the Bump Rumble game in exchange for our honest review.

Mar 28, 2022

Roxy & Pebbles

I truly can't explain our behavior. Our kids think we have gone stark raving mad.

Please meet Pebbles, Roxy's new best friend.

Mar 27, 2022

Happy Birthday, Little Squire

I can't believe Beauty and The Beast's youngest just turned 3. Time flies by so fast. Yesterday, they had a birthday party for him at their house.

We had his favorite foods for dinner (dino nuggets, corn, strawberries, and King's Hawaiian rolls). Then the kids played in the yard.

The little boys had a great time tackling Curly on the tramp.

The adults enjoyed visiting and watching them play.

Happy birthday, Little Squire! Three looks good on you.

Mar 26, 2022

Baby Doll's Makeover

Baby Doll has been blessed with her daddy's wavy hair, but over the last couple of years we have struggled to keep it from getting terribly tangled. So this morning we decided to do something about it.

I took her out to Supercuts in Herriman and they gave her an amazing haircut.

They took about 6 inches off and gave her some bouncy layers. It turned out SO cute!

What could I do while I was waiting? Get my own hair cut, of course.

Doesn’t she look fantastic?

Mar 25, 2022

8th Grade FACS

First things first: I'm sure you have all been worried about Sister Crafty and her fight with Dengue Fever. I'm happy to report that her platelet count was finally high enough for her to leave the hospital.

I wish I knew more, but we will all just have to wait for her Sunday report.

Now on to our story about spaghetti. You all know that Curly had a baseball tournament in Phoenix this past week, so he had to miss a few days of school. That meant he had a bunch of schoolwork to make up. Most of that was just paperwork and stuff at school, but not for his 8th grade Family and Consumer Science Class.

He had to make spaghetti. Not only that, he had to set a nice table and eat it with good manners! I didn't think to take pics while he was cooking, but he made a delicious meat sauce and the pasta all by himself.

My sweetie gave the lesson on twirling pasta in the spoon while I took pics. Curly was pretty good at it, but after a couple of minutes, he reverted to his normal heathen way of eating spaghetti. It was much faster.
Baby Doll set a lovely plate, but without the encouragement of a good grade, she didn't even want to try.
Love that silly face!

Mar 23, 2022

More Updates from Sister Crafty


Okay so don't freak out, but I do in fact have dengue. 

 This week's podcast episode is sort of boring because not much happened beyond that. Having dengue did get me out of saying the prayer at zone conference though so I guess it was good for something 

Anyway I love you all and I'm praying for you all!

-Sister Crafty (Your favorite hospitalized missionary in Tigaon Philippines)

Also my mission will be featured on this page on March 25th BTW. Click here for a little trailer:

Mar 22, 2022

Don't Forget to Sign up for Soccer Camp!

 As you know, my kids LOVE sports! Well, maybe not quite all of them... but Baby Doll definitely loves volleyball... and basketball... and soccer... probably in that order. Last year she participated in her very first season of soccer. 

It was fun watching her learn a new skill. She also had the opportunity to experience her first week-long camp from Challenger International Soccer Camps. She learned so much that we are excited to have her return again this year!

Remember when Scout and Curly went to soccer camp? Or what about the time Curly went by himself? I can't think of a better way to get kids away from the game console and out on the field getting some good healthy exercise.

He's so little!!

I've got an amazing offer for you, courtesy of Challenger Sports Camps and US Family Guide. Sign-up early and receive a FREE jersey and 5% OFF - The #1 Soccer Camp in North America! Sign-up early and receive a FREE replica jersey. Enter code USFAMILY to get 5% off as well. Along with your free jersey, you will receive a camp t-shirt, a soccer ball, FREE virtual training and a Camp Certificate.

Oh, and make sure you sign your kid up for the afternoon program. It costs a little more, but my kids tell me that part is where they play actual games and have the most fun.

See ya on the field!

Mar 21, 2022

Traveling Together - Game Over

The tournament play was not nearly as much fun as the games leading up to it. The team we played took us out quickly with a final score of 13-1. We decided that rather than hang out another day, we would pack it up and head for home. It was a beautiful day and I got some amazing pics from the road.

Somewhere out there in the middle of Arizona, I got a call from Sister Crafty. She is in a hospital in the Phillipines. Earlier in the week, she started feeling "like death" with a fever over 103° and a rash covering her entire body. She has Dengue Fever.

At the hospital, they pumped her full of fluids and began checking her blood. As you know, there is no cure for this virus, but as long as her platelet count runs below 100 she can't leave the hospital. It is currently at 68 and dropping. But she insists she is much better and she refuses to even consider coming home. So on we traveled, finally reaching St. George and our last hotel before we get home tomorrow. I'm sick to my stomach with worry, and not even a dip in this incredible hot tub before bed could make that go away.

Mar 20, 2022

Traveling Together - Nothing but Baseball

All we did today was baseball.
Our early morning game was delayed because of equipment issues. Not until after we got there, of course.
That game was eventually moved to 5:00 and we beat them soundly. 
Oh, but that didn't change our 12:30 game. It was a tough loss that put us in 13th place for the tournament. 
That might not sound great, but out of 38 teams, it's not too bad.

Mar 19, 2022

Traveling Together - Spring Training

Today was another crazy busy day. We were so excited to have tickets to the spring training game between the A's and the Angels. We were having such a great time that I forgot to take pics until we were outside the gate just after the 5th inning. It's  a good thing someone else was on top of it (thanks, Allie!).
It was time to take off for our own game.
Curly's game was at 5:00 and coach wanted us to get all the boys out of the sun. That setting sun gave our boys some trouble, particularly mine.

Top of the 2nd inning, 2 outs and a hard grounder to shortstop. He scooped it up and fired a bullet to Curly. It should have been an easy out, but the sun blinded him at just the wrong time. The ball slipped past his glove and smacked his inner thigh. The sharp, stinging bruise caused the coach to pull him. 

He still got to bat, but that was painful too when a wild pitch hit him directly in the shoulder blade.

All pain was forgotten with the decisive win. Coach was so happy that he treated all the boys to pizza!
Two games left in pool play and an early start tomorrow. I will keep you posted. 

Mar 18, 2022

Traveling Together - Playing Baseball

You know how much Curly loves baseball! Apparently, it's too cold to play in Utah, so we had to come to Phoenix to get him a good game.
It was a long drive, so we spent one night in Las Vegas along the way. Gas prices are terrible, with Premium over $7/gallon in some places! Flying was out of the question since it was impossible to find a rental car anywhere near the Phoenix airport.
The scenery was nice...

The first two games were back to back wins. Curly even got a couple of innings on the mound.
That was fun, of course, and we also enjoyed the little hamburger joint where we stopped for lunch (mostly Curly...)

But my favorite part was our evening activity at the local Golfland.
We started with 18 holes of minigolf. 
Then Curly and I decided to try the bumper cars.

Then we tried them again...

And again... and a few more times after that. They were SO much fun and it was just the two of us bumping and pushing and spinning; trying to avoid the rails. The worker just kept starting the ride over for us. But I guess I whooped and hollared too much, because soon there was a crowd waiting for a turn, so we got off.

Curly really wanted to try the karts, so we headed to the track. This is never my favorite event, mostly because they are hard to get into and out of, and the seatbelts might or might not fit, but this time it worked out. 
I'm a much more cautious driver than Curly and he only lapped me twice. Thankfully his friends came along  and I was saved from a second race.

At least I felt better when he dominated that race too.