
Feb 3, 2022

Wanna Be a Writer: The Messy Room

Before I share this with you, I want you to know that I am nervously starting a new meme so that I can share some of the writing I have done over the years. I know you already have access to my first novel that no one would publish, Kiylee's Christmas, but it has been a long time since I have put myself out there in a creative way. So here you go. This is also (mostly) a true story, so I am including pics for you of the subject matter. Sorry girls...

The Messy Room by me

"It's time for bed," our mother said,
As she surveyed our messy room.
"Tomorrow," she said, "when you are out of bed,
We'll grab a shovel and broom."

"We'll sweep up like so, to the dump it will go
No more puzzles, games, or books,"
Then she turned on her toe as she left us to go 
After giving us one of those looks.

We started to cry, my sisters and I,
We knew that she meant what she said.
When the morning light came, things would look just the same,
And Mother would wake us from bed.

With a shovel and broom, she'd clean up the room,
Not a puzzle, game, toy, or book,
Would be spared from her stash of outgoing trash, 
And again, she'd give us that look.

Now, Crafty was four and Donna was six,
And I was the oldest at eight. 
That put me in charge of all of our stuff
And I knew that it wasn't too late.

"Now Donna, don't fret, and Crafty, don't cry.
There's something that still can be done.
Our puzzles, games, and toys can be safe;
We still can have things that are fun."

"If we quickly and quietly clean up the mess,
In the morning, with a cough of surprise,
Mother will drop her shovel and broom,
And laughter will come to her eyes."

"She'll be so proud and so happy,
She'll grab us all in a great bear hug,
Come on, let's quickly get started,
Donna, you clean up this rug!"

So we worked our best to clean up the mess,
We put away puzzles, books, toys and games,
We didn't fight about what went where,
We didn't call each other names.

It took quite some time, but after a while,
Our puzzles, toys, and games put away.
We gave each other a great bear hug,
We'd keep all our fun things that day.

The morning sun rose over the mountain,
As we sleepily climbed into our beds.
Three pairs of eyes were tightly closed,
Before our pillows touched our heads.

It wasn't long before we heard a loud cough,
The broom and shovel clattered to the floor,
Mother's blue eyes were big and round
As she stood clinging to our clean bedroom door.

"What happened in here?" she gasped aloud.
"Is this a true miracle I see?
Three little girls are peacefully sleeping,
In a bedroom as clean as can be!"

"We did it, Mother!" we shouted.
"Did you like our big surprise?"
Then Mother gave us a great bear hug,
And laughter came to her eyes.

"Let's go and play the day away.
My girls are so good," she said,
"How fun," we sighed, "Let's do it!
As soon as we go back to bed."


  1. I really like this post! Very sweet and well done!

  2. I really loved your poem, and the photos were fantastic. Your talent shows!
    Blessings and hugs!
