
Feb 11, 2022

Wanna Be a Writer: How Would You Feel?

I can't believe how incredibly difficult it is to share my writing with you! Haven't we been doing this for more than 10 years now? This is a story that was written in 1998 and was intended to be a children's picture book. It was rejected by 6 publishers. This following is part of the letter I sent with each submission. It is also long before he received his diagnosis of Autism; long before Autism was well known.

My son is four years old. He is developmentally delayed. Because he looks like a regular four-year-old, sometimes people are quick to judge him for things he cannot control. He doesn't know his name. He can finally identify cows and dogs. All other animals are either cows or dogs. He doesn't know his colors or his numbers, typical things for other four-year-olds. He is often left out because he has difficulty understand rules. He is anti-social, even with family members.

His delay prompted me to write this story. Sometimes we are quick to judge. The thing we forget is that these children (and adults) have feelings. Someday my son may be completely normal. When that day comes, I hope that he can remember what it's like to have a disability.  2-23-1998

How Would You Feel?

How would you feel

If you didn't know your name?

How would you feel

If animals all looked the same?

How would you feel

If other kids made fun of you?

How would you feel

If yellow looked like green and blue?

How would you feel 

If you couldn't count to ten?

How would you feel 

If someone left you out again?

How would you feel 

If you were just trying to be good?

How would you feel

If you thought no one understood?

You would feel with your hands 

When you reached out for a friend.

You would feel with your feet

When your road seemed to never end.

You would feel with your heart

The same as any other.

Thank goodness someone loves you

Father, mother, sister, brother.


  1. That's very inspiring and your story's prediction did come true.

  2. Wow, you should submit this again. I think there is more awareness of these kinds of problems, and this would make a great book. I love that your son has become, who he is. I think he is awesome.
    Blessings and hugs!
