
Feb 27, 2022

Update from Sister Crafty

We found out about two weeks ago that Sister Crafty would be returning to the Philippines asap to finish the last 6th months of her mission. It was a whirlwind of Amazon searches for me, just trying to get her ready to go. She finally let everyone know right before she left Wichita.

Surprise! I'm leaving for the Philippines early on Wednesday! It's been almost two years since I was a missionary there so I can't believe I'm going back. I am not sure if I will have a lot access to Facebook there so you might not see me for a while (aka 6 months).

If you need to tell me something personally while I'm gone, please email me at

If you are looking to get closer to Jesus Christ or to understand more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, please reach out to my friend Catherine Brady. She is a wonderful missionary and she will be able to help you.

I love you all! Kitakits!

I got half an hour to talk with her while she was at the airport. Mostly, we ran through the Tagalog flash cards I had purchased for my Girl Scout meeting. Her flight was running late. 

Then it was time... and she was gone. 

She mentioned that maybe she could call again in Denver or when she got to Los Angeles, but I guess she didn't have time, because I didn't hear from her again until early Saturday morning.

Then I got this:

Hey mom, I just wanted to let you know that I am alive :) 

Warmest regards, 
-Sister Christensen
I can hardly wait to actually talk to her tomorrow. She was expecting to spend a few days in Manila at the MTC before leaving for her original assignment in Naga. It's all SO exciting!

I will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. This is all so exciting. She is having such a unique experience with her mission. I loved all the cute photos of her.
    Blessings and hugs for the two of you!!
