
Feb 24, 2022

Update From Elder Sport

Hey everyone! That last couple weeks have been pretty crazy, and kind of a blur to be honest haha. 
I lifted a recliner above my head moving it to a third story attic apartment for this crazy guy who worked secret projects for the government, had Wendy's with a retired Catholic priest, moved a former basher for 3 hours, tried to eat a 3 pound burger, got a brand new $40 board game for free, slipped on ice 3 separate times, stole fictional treasure from one of the members in Hero Quest, had one of my roommates turned 21 and get bit by a dog, had to yell to teach an old dude who doesn't have hearing aids because he's scared of 5G, and had a former tell us he is Jesus Christ. Yup. 
We met an awesome dude, Porter on Facebook, we send 20 sec videos, and he sent a video back! That never happens, haha. We had 2 lessons already and he came to church! We found a couple other people this week, one who we just happened to get in a locked apartment and find. He is a former who is interested again. 

We also had our friend Billy-Jack come to church for the first time in 15 years. We walked in and he had friends run up and hug him in the middle of the chapel. It was so awesome. I also had this cool experience, we were in and ordinary feeling member lesson, and someone mentioned the Sacred Grove. I immediately had the spirit bask over me for like 30 seconds and it was a very special gift, I never want to forget that feeling. 
In Alma 2 a part of the Nephites want Amlici to be their king. They rebel and start a civil war. The Nephite army drives them out of their land. Suddenly the Nephite spies find out the unthinkable. The Amlicites had joined with the Laminites, and were headed toward Zarehemla, to destroy everything. They hurry back and a massive battle takes place. When all is said and done the Nephites win, and head back home. We are the left to read the first line of Alma 3:2.
Alma 3:2
2. Now many women and children had been slain with the sword....

After everything the fought for, they came back and were too late. These men went through so much, just to realize who they had fought for had been taken from them. After all this they don't give up, and they fight again when the Laminites come back. 
That chapter just hit me really hard this week. 

My sister, Kaylan is off to the Philippines this week, which is so exciting!

My trainer from Dickinson, Elder Leonard goes home this next week, so best of luck to him, and I know he'd say to remember to Launch out into the Deep! Luke 5:4
Hope you all have a great week, mine will be a very cold, snowy one!

-Elder Sport 


  1. Did he just drop some news about Sister Crafty?

  2. He sure did! Sister Crafty left for the Philippines on Wednesday! I can hardly wait to hear that she is safe and well in Manila and I will share with everyone. She expected to spend a few days in the MTC there before heading to Naga. We are so happy for her. She didn't think she would have the opportunity to return to her original assignment and word came without warning. Two weeks later and she is on an airplane. Crazy!
