
Feb 1, 2022

Last Few Things

It's almost time for Drama Queen to leave us again. We have had so much fun!! 
Last night we had Dog Walker and Puppy lover over for dinner and we all played Family Feud. My kids (and my sweetie) are WAY too competitive! My sweetie made a charcuterie board (and dinner!).
And we had a crazy zoom lesson with Sister Crafty and her companion. Everyone was still just being so silly!
Today Drama Queen and I took a trip south. We met Princess and The Frog and their kiddos at the Big Red Barn for ice cream and then we went back to their house for lunch. Tadpole and Polliwog came with us on a little roadtrip to see Grandma.
The boys and I played games while Drama Queen help Grandma with her ipad.
After we dropped the boys and drove back home, we spent an hour or so selling cookies before having a pizza party at Bossy's house.

We are going to miss Drama Queen so much!! She flies out early on Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. So happy you had time with Drama Queen. As always you packed in a day of fun and I loved all the thoughts and photos.
    Big Hugs~
