
Jan 14, 2022

Guest Blog: Our Solo Cruise by Princess

This last week The Frog and I got to go on our first solo vacation since our honeymoon. It was nice to get away and not worry about diaper changes, or cooking, or laundry. But it was especially nice just being together. We got to talk for hours on end without interruption and that hasn’t happened since our oldest left the womb. 
We watched shows, played games, and dressed up fancy for dinners. The Frog really loves trivia and he even won a game while we were there (he came in second place on many others). We had some great moments but my favorite was playing mini golf. 
We were on the seventh or eighth hole when the wind started to pick up. My ball kept rolling away from me while I was trying to hit it. My hair was going every which way and I couldn’t see a thing. I tried grabbing my hair with my hand while hitting the ball and my sweet husband stopped me. He ran up behind me and fought with the wind to get all my hair into his own hands. So there he was, standing right behind me (hair in hand) as I lined up the shot (it was pretty romantic and hilarious). We were both in fits of laughter. I got my ball steady and just before I hit it, I whispered, “I have a ponytail.” Thankfully he let me hit the ball before he threw my hair back into the wind laughing. I had a ponytail on my wrist the whole time! I don’t know, maybe you had to be there, but it was hilarious. 
We had lots of fun being together, but there were definitely tears shed when we picked up the kids. We got home to discover our furnace had stopped working while we were gone! Suddenly, we were on another ‘mini vacation’ to The Frog’s parents’ house while we waited for the handyman to come. Thankfully, it was a minor repair and we were truly home the next day. Lots of adventures this week! 

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