
Jan 31, 2022

Going Swimming

Beauty and The Beast had two little boys that wanted to go swimming on Saturday, so he called me to see if anyone was interested. Baby Doll had just arrived home from her first volleyball tournament, but she is always up for a good swim.
Curly was up for some fun. Trouble was, our local pool was so short-staffed that they closed at 3:00 on Saturday, so we headed for Herriman.
The pool was crowded, but we had a lot of fun.
Can't wait til next time!!

Jan 30, 2022

Last Basketball Game

You know how much I love basketball. I'm sad to say that today was the last day of our season.
This is one of the best groups of kids I have ever coached. Not because we won every game; more because we didn't. My guys handled themselves just the way I asked them to; win or lose, they are great sports.

So proud of them.

Jan 29, 2022

First Volleyball Tournament

It's hard to believe that Baby Doll is playing in her first volleyball tournament for Club GSL... and I'm not there.
Thankfully, Drama Queen is still here to pick up the slack.
And taking some amazing pics!!
Curly plays in his last basketball game today and since I'm the coach, my choice was made months ago.
I am so proud of them both. Maybe my sweetie can get some pics at Noah's game today.

Jan 26, 2022

Happy Birthday to Me!!

I had such a geat birthday! My kids came together on Sunday to celebrate our January and February birthdays. We wanted an excuse to get together before Teach and the kids headed back to New Jersey.
We took a pic of all the living grandkids under the age of 18. 

Then today, some of us met up at Leatherbys for a celebration dinner.
It was SO yummy and SO much fun!
Happy birthday to me!🎉

Jan 25, 2022

Playing With Teach

While my kiddos have been playing at sea with Drama Queen, Teach and I have been doing some playing of our own. We did some shopping and ran a bunch of errands.
We even went out for sushi!!
The kids had a bath in my big tub. Too many bubbles!! Get the bucket!!

Today we went to see Grandma.
And then we ate dinner at the Dairy Freeze.
Only one more day with these cuties...

Jan 23, 2022

Traveling Without Us: Boarding the Ship

Now when they left, they promised to post for me each day of the cruise, but I guess Boarding Day doesn't count, all I got was pictures and a chat.
Basically, everything ran super smoothly. The ship only has 400 guests rather than the 4000 it can carry. They were excited about so many things! Curly sent me a pic of the basketball court.
Baby Doll loved that her bed came down from the ceiling and turned the couch into a set of bunkbeds for her and Curly.
Scout was amazed that she could choose ANYTHING she wanted on the menu in the dining room.
And Drama Queen (and me) was just grateful they all got safely on the ship.

Jan 22, 2022

Traveling Without Us: Off They Go!

Today was a bit stressful. I'm pretty sure I told you the reason Drama Queen came to town was to take our places this week on the cruise to Ensanada with our three youngest.

After we cruised in Florida, my sweetie said "never again," so we asked Drama Queen,  who quickly accepted. There has been tons of work and planning, but none of that mattered until we had 4 negative Covid tests.
The 4 people running tests had a great audience watching them. Scout went first and she was fine with a quick negative. Baby Doll was next, remember, all these tests were the proctored kind, and just like that, half of our cruisers were negative.

It's not that we expected anyone to have Covid. Nobody was sick, but with Omicron, you just never know. Drama Queen took care of her own test and breathed a sigh of relief when she was done.

That just left Curly.

He was in the middle of an online class, but I made him take a break. It takes 25 minutes to run a test and 20 minutes after his negative result, the kids were piling into the car so they could get on the road.
Have fun!! Stay Safe!

Jan 20, 2022

So Much Fun

It has been SO fun having Drama Queen, Teach, and the kids here. We have done all kinds of things besides online school. Twizlet and I did the virtual 1st Book Club from the library. We read two Mo Willems books and made some bright green slime.
Drama Queen dyed Scout's hair and I did 9 haircuts! We gave Baby Doll some layers.
Scripture time was awesome!
We played with the lights. Twizzler loved them!
And Twizlet got a brand new dress.

Jan 18, 2022

A Little Getaway

Last spring I bought a gift certificate for my sweetie from the Bingham Bands fundraiser. It was an overnight stay at our local Embassy Suites. He was excited to have a little getaway, but we haven't been able to make it happen until this weekend.
The room was really nice, so we settled in and put our feet up.
The room had a little kitchen area and since it was Sunday, my sweetie decided to cook for us.
It wasn't perfect (when my sweetie opened the bottle of sparkling cider, it sprayed all over the room!!), but it was pretty close.

We soaked in the hot tub, watched TV, talked and laughed. I should have taken more pics, I guess, but I was too busy enjoying the moment.

Jan 15, 2022

Girl Scout Cookies!!

It's that time of year when we spend hours taking Girl Scout cookie orders, making goals and planning ways to spend our hard-earned troop money.

I love being a Girl Scout! This is my 30th year helping my girls as a Troop Leader, Cookie Manager, patch sewer...
I have been working on my first Girl Scout patch quilt. Not sure why I chose Teach; maybe because her stuff was in the top of the bag, but I love the way it looked when I laid it out for the first time.
It will take me a while to make it all permanent. Meanwhile, I guess it is time to help Baby Doll sell a few more cookies...

If you would like to help Baby Doll meet her goals,  click here

Happy Early Birthday to Me

My birthday isn't for another 10 days, but I couldn't wait to show you this beautiful and soft Shutterfly blanket that Teach and her family had made for me!
I should spread it out for you...

Maybe later.

Jan 14, 2022

Guest Blog: Our Solo Cruise by Princess

This last week The Frog and I got to go on our first solo vacation since our honeymoon. It was nice to get away and not worry about diaper changes, or cooking, or laundry. But it was especially nice just being together. We got to talk for hours on end without interruption and that hasn’t happened since our oldest left the womb. 
We watched shows, played games, and dressed up fancy for dinners. The Frog really loves trivia and he even won a game while we were there (he came in second place on many others). We had some great moments but my favorite was playing mini golf. 
We were on the seventh or eighth hole when the wind started to pick up. My ball kept rolling away from me while I was trying to hit it. My hair was going every which way and I couldn’t see a thing. I tried grabbing my hair with my hand while hitting the ball and my sweet husband stopped me. He ran up behind me and fought with the wind to get all my hair into his own hands. So there he was, standing right behind me (hair in hand) as I lined up the shot (it was pretty romantic and hilarious). We were both in fits of laughter. I got my ball steady and just before I hit it, I whispered, “I have a ponytail.” Thankfully he let me hit the ball before he threw my hair back into the wind laughing. I had a ponytail on my wrist the whole time! I don’t know, maybe you had to be there, but it was hilarious. 
We had lots of fun being together, but there were definitely tears shed when we picked up the kids. We got home to discover our furnace had stopped working while we were gone! Suddenly, we were on another ‘mini vacation’ to The Frog’s parents’ house while we waited for the handyman to come. Thankfully, it was a minor repair and we were truly home the next day. Lots of adventures this week! 

Jan 11, 2022

Sharing the Reward

At church we have a program called Come Follow Me where we read scripture and learn about Jesus. 2021 was the year we were supposed to read the Doctrine & Covenants, but somehow we got 6 or 7 weeks behind.

So my sweetie decided we all needed a little incentive. As long as we finished the lessons by the end of the year, we could have an evening out at Texas Roadhouse!

It took us until the new year rang on the west coast, but we made it, and tonight we shared our reward.
So fun to share a reward we all worked for together.💕