
Dec 5, 2021

Traveling Together - Another Christmas Miracle

Tuesday dawned bright and early with worry and still no word on the van. My sweetie said he needed to work, so he asked me to schedule a trip to the hot springs with the kids. Grandpa said he preferred to stay at the condo, so it was just the 4 of us. 
The hot springs provided a shuttle for the 40-minute ride up the canyon and then partway down on the other side of the mountain. The area was beautiful with small piles of snow (sadly, old crusty snow), tall trees and a horrible bumpy road.
We had our swimsuits on under our clothes, so when we arrived, we walked straight to the pool, stripped poolside, and quickly climbed in.
Baby Doll wanted a bit cooler pool, so we started out in the smaller pool. It was warm and cozy with a stunning backdrop of winter trees and running water.
We had to meet our shuttle driver at 12:30 at the drop-off spot. Then we endured the ride back to our condo.
My sweetie had traded the Bishop's truck back for our van with the following story of an amazing man and his family just trying to follow their Savior, Jesus Christ. They had paid the many hundreds of dollars for the repair and refused reimbursement. They also shared a little miracle that allowed the mechanic to get the work done. 

The mechanic had our parts in stock, but a car already sat in the shop with a promise of repair. Sadly for the owner, the box of parts that came in for that car were all wrong, something that rarely happens. Rather than waste working hours, our van promptly came to the front of the line, making it possible for us to return home on Wednesday.
Prayers really work. God loves us and is mindful of our struggles when we do all we can and then turn it over to Him.

1 comment:

  1. That is miraculous, but I think it looked really fun to soak in that hot spring. I wish Puppy Lover and I would've been there to try it.
