
Dec 30, 2021

Guest Blog: Christmas Letter 2021 by Bossy

Season’s Greetings!

Our family started off 2021 with the arrival of  Queso in February.  Queso is 10 months going on 2 years.  He loves to sing along with Frozen 2 and blow on your belly.  He has been standing freely for months and does this wonderful bear style run crawl on his hands and feet.  We expect him to start walking running any day.  He likes to jump and play catch and is starting to babble. 
Skittles has had a year of growth.  He started speech therapy in May and now has a huge vocabulary.  He still loves trains and dinosaurs and can identify several different species.  He loves preschool and seeing his church friends.  He played baseball in the Spring and soccer this fall and winter.  Halfway through soccer he told me he would rather be playing baseball (me too, little buddy).  
Much of Burrito's and Taco's activities cross over, they are doing Youth City Council, Teen Health Advisory Board and Boy Scouts.  They really enjoy scouts, in addition to weekly activities and monthly camping trips, this year they have weeklong at Camp Loll, hiked overnight in Yellowstone back country and participated in Bike the Bear (50 miles around Bear Lake).  They also both started their first jobs this year.  Burrito continues in the dual immersion program as school and will take his Spanish AP test in May.  He is on the PTSA committee and sings in two advanced choir programs at his middle school.  
Taco is in the Cupcake Club and Smash Brothers Club at Bingham.  He has a schedule full of STEM classes. He is in a leadership positions with Youth City Council, Teen Health Advisory Board and his Priest Quorum. We love hearing how he looks after Burrito in their joint activities. 
Bean Dip moved back in this summer and started working graveyards at Bullfrog Spas.  He recently purchased his first car and is working towards getting an apartment with friends.  We don’t see if often him as he sleeps during the day and we truly appreciate when he sacrifices sleep to participate in family parties.
Fajita is living in Maryland.  She works several jobs but her favorite is working the weekend reptile shows with her reptile rescue group.  She had adopted several snakes, turtles and lizards and recently started breeding them. 
This fall, Gamer accepted the Head Custodian position at Black Ridge Elementary.  It was quite the transition at first going from a high school to an elementary, but he loves the student artwork that decorates his walls and interacting with the younger kids.  He still gets to interact with the high school student sweepers that clean the classroom after school.  
Bossy continues to work at the bank.  She stepped into a permanent work from home position last year and loves being at home with the babies.  She wishes Queso would allow her to crochet or even work with both hands.  Her weight loss journey continues, and she is down 100 lbs from her high weight in 2019.  
The year ended in surprise and mourning with the early arrival of Oliver Dallas at 15 weeks 5 days.  His perfect body was laid to rest next to Calder in the South Jordan Cemetery. We have felt your prayers and love over the last few weeks and know that Calder is taking care of little Ollie in Heaven.

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