
Nov 30, 2021

Traveling Together - Steamboat Springs

Vernal was nice and the Dinosaur Inn had a good breakfast, but we were anxious to get on our way to Steamboat Springs.
Much of Colorado looks like Utah except they seem to have more water. It only took us about 3 and a half more hours before we saw the first houses of Steamboat Springs and shortly after that we were all checked into our condo.
The kids were anxious to try out the hot tub, so as soon as we got unpacked, Curly, Baby Doll, and I put on our suits.
The hot tub was warm but small and the Hallmark channel Condo Christmas we were hoping for included only man-made snow. So my sweetie sent Curly and me to Wal-Mart. 
We bought jammies for the kids and a small tree and decorations to make our own Condo Christmas. 
Decorating was SO much fun!!
When they were finished, it finally felt like Condo Christmas. After they went to bed, we put 3 pretty packages under the tree, one for each child.

Can't wait to open them!!

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