
Nov 20, 2021

Traveling as Two - Coming Home

Wednesday was Fly Day. Even though we had an evening flight, the airport was nearly an hour away and we had plenty to do before we could board.

Condo life is interesting. Having a full kitchen means we can do our own cooking and we save a lot of money that way, but when it is time to pack, we always end up throwing stuff away... half a loaf of bread, the last of the ice cream, a stick of butter. I am not a fan of wastefulness, so it is a difficult task. 
We got to the airport in plenty of time to turn in the rental car and even admire the Christmas decorations.
Orlando has a huge airport! We had to take the shuttle to get to gate 77. 
It wasn't long before we were on our way. Home was still thousands of miles away and as soon as we got there, we would have to repack for another adventure...

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