
Oct 9, 2021

Rough Day

Yesterday was rough for Bossy and for me. She had surgery scheduled at 9:45 to fix her gastro band (probably said that wrong). She has struggled for a while now and she was very excited to take care of things.

In a different surgical center across town, I was also being prepped for a procedure.
Earlier this summer, I nearly fell from a carousel horse at Lagoon. I smacked the back of my leg on the tail as I went down, bruising my entire calf, and leaving my shin sore and aching. 

Weeks went by and the bruise gradually dissipated, but the pain in my shin did not. Finally, I talked with my primary care doc, and he recommended an orthopedist. After an ultrasound, it became apparent that 2 staples I didn't even know existed had worked their way up and partially out of an ACL replacement I had more than 25 years ago.
Yesterday, my doc pulled them out.
Today, I'm feeling it. Bossy came home this morning. When she feels a bit better, I will see if she wants to give an update. For now, rest is probably the answer for both of us.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to read about your two surgeries. Wishing you both a speedy recovery. It doesn't look fun at all.
    Prayers, Blessings, and hugs!
