
Oct 23, 2021

Fall Break

Our Fall Break is nearly over, and what better way than to finish it up with a good old fashioned service project. We started the morning when Beauty dropped off Little Warrior and Little Squire. They were going with us to Grandm's house... great grandma to them.
Scout drove us down and my sweetie followed in the Mazda. My sweetie made arrangements to park it there for 2 years while Elder Sport is gone, if we agreed to clean the garage. 

It took us a good couple of hours, but it looked great! I thought my sweetie took pics and he thought I did... there aren't any.

But suffice to say, Elder Sport's car is in good hands until he gets back home.
And we have a little more room on the driveway.

1 comment:

  1. Those little grandchildren are adorable. I liked the car, it's awesome to have a place to store it. Our children's cars were handed down as they left on missions.
    Hugs for all!
