
Sep 6, 2021

Traveling Together - Boston

Oh, Boston, you had so many things for us! We started on Saturday morning at the Haymarket. We came away with way more fruits and veggies than we can possibly use before we have to get back on the airplane, but it was fun and they were cheap...

Then we set our feet on the Freedom Trail. First stop: Paul Revere's House.

When my sweetie and I were in Boston five years ago, it wasn't difficult for us to walk the entire trail, but with our recent health issues and Teach and Twiz's littles, we decided to start in the middle.

Next stop was the Old North Church. I just love the architecture and history of these old buildings.

The old cemetery...

Then crossing the temporary bridge to the shipyard and Old Ironsides.

The USS Constitution was one of my sweetie's favorite places in Boston and he has always wanted to take the kids there.

They climbed all over the ship and then we went inside the museum.

So many things to see and do!

Finally, it was time to head back, so we bought tickets for the ferry to take us across the harbor.

We couldn't leave without stopping by the Quincy Market and Faneuil Hall.

By the time we drove back to Mashpee, I was exhausted with more than 20,000 steps for the day, but it was a good kind of tired. 

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