
Sep 28, 2021

Random Sport Stuff

While Sport is busy preparing for his mission in North Dakota, I have been busy too. I finished his scout blanket.
Helped him buy a bunch of new mission clothes.
Yeah, he is way taller than his dad now.
I embroidered his initials in all of his shirt tails... he has two blue button up shirts... crazy changes!

I still have his jeans to hem. Can you believe that he hasn't worn jeans since he was a cub scout?!
But my favorite is this beautiful little photo album that I paid way too much for but that I'm hoping will bring him comfort when he is hundreds of miles from home.
Home MTC starts on Monday. The countdown begins...

1 comment:

  1. Oh how much your son looks like his father. Must be very hard to bid him farewell, for now but how much love your putting into his clothes and the photos album.I wish him well on his mission.
