
Aug 30, 2021

Traveling Together - South Lee

We arrived in South Lee, MA about 4:30 pm. It was just enough time for us to get some groceries, get unpacked and get settled. The kids were anxious to explore the property, but all we had time for was a quick swim before bed.

We got up bright and early on Saturday. It was my sweetie's birthday and he wanted to go to the Farmer's Market in South Lee. 

It was a nice little drive that ended with more of a boutique than a true Farmer's Market, but we took it in stride and we visited several of the booths, purchasing baked goods, vegetables, and fresh honey. It was mostly fun visiting with the locals.
After we left the market, we decided to walk down main street, just to see what we could see. There were plenty of small shops to explore, but we finally decided on the leather shop.
We bought my sweetie and the girls some very stylish hats. My sweetie was runnin the day (since it was his birthday) and he found a little train museum for us to visit.
We had the opportunity to ride their train about 100 yards and back... then we rode it again... 

The guide knew SO much about trains, but it was hard to hear him through his double mask.
Our little area in the Berkshires is the same place Norman Rockwell did some of his famous paintings, like the soda shop.

We decided that would be a great place to eat lunch. The food was good, but the atmosphere was better.

Back in our condo, we had the kids get caught up on homework before heading back to the activities. Then my sweetie cooked us an amazing dinner, trout, ravioli, and a little squash we bought at the Farmer's Market.

We finished the day with a chocolate bomb cake. Happy Birthday, Sweetie!!

1 comment:

  1. That looks really fun. I forgot to wish Dad a happy birthday on his actual birthday, but I hope this is enough to say.
